We just got back from a spectacular show of fireworks. It was the first we've ever shared with G. He loved it! We also lighted some sparklers and I think he enjoyed them as much as our town's grand display. I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th!
I'm a mama and midwife living in Western North Carolina with my husband, son, four chickens, and too many wild birds to count.
Oprah says intention rules the earth and I agree. This blog documents my intention to live a joyful life!
I'm also a life coach! You can find me wearing that hat at www.midwifeforyourlife.com
Cute! That DOES look a lot like the photo of my son.
Isn't that funny? I'm sure there are a lot of photos of cute kids with sparklers right about now! We can't be the only ones, right? :)
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