Monday, June 22, 2009

What's Cooking 6.22-6.28

Last week our family shared preparation for all the evening meals and it was so fun. And I made my mom breakfast and lunch every day so she decided I was exempt from any evening clean-up!

I hadn't thought to broker that deal when I made sure that she was getting food throughout the day (she is likely to forget to eat because she gets so involved with everything that is going on), but it was great for me!

So when I went to our pricey whole foods store today, I felt like I had not shopped in ages! (Happily, other family members did the food shopping for our vacation.)

And I was so happy to see the high quality local and organic foods! (There were none at the reportedly scary Food City in New Tazwell, TN.) Even though I bought large amounts of green and black tea, the grand total was only $80.13. Hooray!

Some of the food got cut off from the photo because my son decided to put down his tools, sit on the watermelon and smile for the camera. I think the loss is worth it. :)

This week it is back to to my own kitchen and although I will miss the bustle of the communal kitchen, I still will be preparing food in great quantity.

In preparation for working in the hospital from Tuesday morning through Thursday afternoon I will double the recipes for the burritos and stew so there will be ample leftovers for the rest of the week.

These recipes are two of our favorites so we will enjoy eating them twice in one week. And knowing that we will eat well in a busy week is a great thing.

Black Bean and Sweet Potato Burritos
Green Salad
Chips and Salsa


Butternut Squash and Chickpea Stew with Couscous


Pizza with homemade crust and sauce
Pepperoni and Roasted Peppers
Green Salad

Grilled Salmon Packets
with Spinach and Couscous

Swiss Chard Frittata (the recipe calls for frozen spinach but I use a bunch of fresh chard)


Kristen said...

LOL My kids love to get input on my grocery pictures too. ;)

Stacey said...

Yes, I definitely thought of you when he inserted himself in the photo! No spiders yet, though! :)