Friday, May 22, 2009

Food Waste for the Week

I didn't manage to get in a post on our food waste last week. We had a portion of a green pepper go bad, but I didn't have time to document it. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

I am happy to report, though, that there is no waste this week!

And I'm even happier to report that the kohlrabi curse has been broken! I feel a bit like the fellow in Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham who grumpily maintained that he did not like green eggs and ham - only to learn on the last page that he did "SO like them" that he would eat them with a mouse, and he would eat them in a house...

Okay, so you know I have a 4-year-old son, right? This book gets a lot of play in our home.

But the point is we do SO like them! We cut up the greens and put them in with the kale for our spaghetti on Thursday and we've been eating the root portion, peeled and sliced or diced in our salads.

They do taste very much like the peeled stalk of broccoli, but a little sweeter - like a mix between broccoli stalk and jicama.

Try them! Try them! You will see!

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